Cultural Rhythms

₹50 (per team)

1.The game starts by having Player B give instructions to Player A on where to go to pick up either an X or O. Player B must describe the location and guide Player A to either pick up an X or O and place it correctly in an empty spot on the Tic-Tac-Toe grid.
2.Player A places the symbol onto the grid, ensuring that they are following Player B’s instructions. The grid is filled step by step, with one symbol being placed at a time. The players can alternate placing X’s and O’s, or Player B can designate which symbol Player A should place.
3.The game continues with the team working together to complete the grid. Player B can offer advice on where to place the next symbol, while Player A must follow the instructions without being able to see.
4.The team wins if they successfully place their symbols in a winning Tic-Tac-Toe formation (three in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). If the grid fills up without a winner, the game ends in a tie.


2 members


Leela Vamsi :8686792324
Manoj Babu: 9642704445


Basketball court

SVCE | From 10:00 Am | Mar 22

Blind X Game Mar 22 From 10:00 Am ₹50/- REGISTER →